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What Effect Does Springtime Have On The Skin?

Updated: Mar 29, 2022

Spring…my favourite time of the year! I don’t know about you, but springtime makes me feel happy and free. Out with the old, in with the new. Everything that was dead, dull and dry during winter months becomes alive and beautiful during spring. Springtime brings about lovely new changes in nature, and that made me wonder – what happens in the skin during this time? Does spring bring good changes to the skin, as well, or perhaps the opposite? I’m sure you’ve wondered about that too…

In this blog post, I will briefly explain what happens in the skin during the months of spring, and how you can take care of your skin during this time.

Springtime can have detrimental as well as beneficial effects on the skin. Changes in temperature and humidity, and increased exposure to sunlight are some factors that may lead to changes on the skin. Your skin type and general condition of your skin will play a role in what occurs on the skin during spring months. People who are allergy-prone may also suffer from skin reactions and with conditions like eczema or psoriasis. One of the beneficial effects of springtime is increased moisture in the air due to increased humidity. Humid conditions are great for the skin, because moisture levels in the skin are replenished and also maintained.

The first important aspect to look at is sun exposure. During spring, we tend to be outdoors a lot more, embracing the sun and the warmth that the season brings. We all know that sun exposure without a sunscreen or a hat damages the skin. So, don’t be fooled – just because it is not as hot as it is during summer, yet it doesn’t mean that the sun’s rays won’t cause damage. You can cause significant damage to the skin if you slack on applying sunscreen. Ageing and sun damage doesn’t just happen in the summer.

Springtime does not only mean a warmer climate, but also increased humidity levels. Higher temperatures and higher humidity levels cause the sebaceous (oil) glands in the skin to produce more sebum (oil). So if your skin suddenly feels oilier, that is why. More oil on the skin can lead to clogged pores, causing blackheads and whiteheads and eventually acne breakouts.

Increased humidity levels aren’t just bad, though. More moisture in the air means that your skin will feel more moisturised as it draws moisture from the atmosphere. You won’t have to worry about dry, tight skin during springtime. If you’ve been slathering on thicker moisturisers during winter, you may need to replace that moisturiser with a lighter, less rich product during spring. Your skin won’t need a thick, oily moisturiser anymore.

For some people, springtime isn’t always too fun… If a runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing etc. is a given for you when spring arrives, you are one of those people. You may also experience itchy skin and rashes. Allergies and skin reactions during spring are because of all the pollen released into the air. It can send your immune system into attack-mode, where it releases histamines to attack the allergens. A dermatologist can give you the right medication to treat allergic reactions of the skin. Often these reactions will calm down as soon as summertime arrives.

Spring is great time to start a new exercise routine. It’s as if the new season and warmer weather gives us a boost of motivation and gets us in the mood to exercise and get into shape for summer. That’s a good thing, of course, but it may not be so good for the skin. Why? Because all of a sudden you are sweating more than usual. Sweating a lot, combined with heat and friction can lead to acne breakouts. Heat also stimulates production of sebum (oil), increasing the risk for breakouts. The skin will need more thorough cleansing during spring and summer to prevent clogged pores and breakouts. Always try to shower as soon as possible after finishing your workout. This will help keep your skin clear from breakouts and congestion.

You may notice the dark marks and pigmentation on your skin appear darker all of a sudden. There’s a reason for this – heat and sun exposure increases melanin (pigment) production in the skin. Pigmentation tends to fade during winter months, because it’s cold and we don’t go out into the sun often. During spring, all the brown spots and pigmentation you’ve forgotten about makes an appearance again. Freckles that had faded during winter also seem to pop out again during spring and summer. The best way to prevent darkening of pigmentation and the formation of new pigment is sun protection. Sunscreen and a hat must become your BFF’s.

If your skin decides to freak out when the season changes, you don’t have to freak out too! I have taken into account everything that I have mentioned above and put together a few tips on how you can take care of your skin this spring. You can enjoy a healthy, clear skin this spring!

Tips on how to care for your skin during springtime:

· Cleanse the skin properly. Whilst creamy, milky cleansers are great for winter, gel cleansers may be better for combating oiliness during spring and summer. Remember to cleanse the skin directly after a workout to prevent breakouts.

· Exfoliate.Exfoliating during spring is just as important as during winter. Exfoliate at least 2-3 times per week (depending on your skin type) to prevent clogged pores from dead skin build-up and oil on the skin surface.

· Do not ditch the moisturiser! Just because your skin doesn’t feel as dry as it did during winter doesn’t mean you can now go without a moisturiser. The warmer climate, sweating and sun exposure still causes moisture loss. Invest in a lighter moisturiser, but never stop using a moisturiser completely.

· Switch out your heavy foundation for a lighter one. You may need to change up some of your make-up products when seasons change, foundation being one of them. Heavy foundations may be contributing factors to acne breakouts during spring and summer. Rather opt for lighter foundations that are non-comedogenic.

· Buy a Vitamin C serum. Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant that also improves the skin’s resistance to UV rays and sun exposure. It has been shown to increase collagen production and has a brightening effect on the skin.

· Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. You must use sunscreen – ALWAYS! Whether you are indoors or outdoors, please do not forget to wear sunscreen. It protects your skin from sun damage which can lead to cancer, and it prevent pigmentation and wrinkles. Wear it. Everyday.

· Don’t touch your face too much. Springtime allergies can make the skin feel itchy and sensitive, and make you want to rub it or scratch it often. Touching the skin with your hands transfers dirt and bacteria to the skin and increases inflammation. Treat the irritation – don’t worsen it by touching and scratching. Anti-histamines or prescribed anti-allergy meds from a specialist are the way to go.

· Drink enough water. Increased temperatures means that you sweat more, and your body loses more water. The skin uses the water you drink, too. So be sure to stay hydrated so that the skin can be hydrated from the inside out!

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